La Situación en Alemania – En vísperas de la posible oscuridad

La primera vez que escuché del AfD fue en una clase de alemán en el Goethe-Institut de Lima. Mi profesor de aquel entonces, Herr Maier, describió a dicho partido como el equivalente ultraderechista de Die Linke (La Izquierda) en la Alemania del Este. Según su punto de vista, el SPD (socialdemócratas), un partido que antiguamente era el favorito de buena parte de la clase trabajadora en Alemania occidental, sería la versión moderada y democrática de los radicales de Die Linke.

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Child’s Play 2: Hansel and Gretel in the Post-modernity

Child’s Play 2, the sequel to the famous 1988 horror classic, presents us a world where all authority figures have been delegitimized, disappeared or killed; a world that has been painted with the colors of a child-like carnival; a world with no space for the hearth of cozy meta-narratives, but of brutal return to neo-primitivism.

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Lars von Trier’s “Idiots”: A «realistic» movie under the criteria of “Dogma 95”

Dogma 95 was a manifesto signed and published by Danish film directors Thomas Vinterberg and Lars Von Trier in 1995. This manifesto consists of ten rules to be followed, the so-called vows of chastity, which should serve as a guide for the production of future films. This should lead to the renunciation of various accommodations or production conventions in the making of films on the part of the filmmakers, such as

«[…] 3. it is only allowed to shoot with one camera. […] 5. Optical manipulation is forbidden, as is the use of filters. […] 6. The film must not contain any superficial action. (Murder, weapons, etc. are not allowed.) [sic!] 7. temporal or geographical distortion is forbidden. (This means that the movie must take place in the here and now.) [sic!] […] 9. The film format must be 35mm Academy».

This is a counter-movement to the auteur theory of the 60s. Many films made according to these Dogma 95 rules violate some of these vows of chastity, which makes the films seem even more ironic.

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Drugs and Bugs: Kafkaesque Intertextuality in “Naked Lunch”

“What is “kafkaesque” and what can be classified as such?”. This is a question that deeply pertains not only to the subject matter of this term paper, but to literary studies in general. The legacy of the renowned 20th Century bohemian writer has left an imprint in the works of many other authors across the world. Nevertheless, it is also fair to ask oneself, to what degree? In Twitter a meme in the form of a clumsily written alignment chart makes fun of this tendency to describe any work of art as “kafkaesque” only due to its comment on society or its use of bugs as leitmotif . Regardless of this I believe that there are indeed certain works of art that have a deep intertextual relationship with Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. One of these works is no other than the 1991 film adaptation by Canadian director David Cronenberg of William S. Burroughs’ novel The Naked Lunch. I believe that this movie has many connections to Kafka’s 1915 novel to such an extent that it works as a kafkaesque metamorphosis in its plot and symbology.

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Why Jodie, the new Daria’s Spin Off, will work, but not for the reasons you think

It’s been 21 years since we saw the last episode of the acclaimed Beavis and Butthead Spin Off Daria: A low budget animation project that instead of being a quick cash grab leeching on the glory of those two iconic morons created by Mike Judge, Daria rose up in the collective imaginary feeding on 90’s existential teen angst and rebellious high school non-conformity, thus leaving a legacy that is still relevant to this very day.

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How to be a conformist, boot licking, ass kissing NPC in this day of age?: A Complete Guide for the Unfazed

There was a glory age for the mommy and daddy perfect son or daughter that knew their role in society. The son was supposed to wear a suit, get a boring job and to marry himself into a joyless lifelong relationship. The daughter -on the other hand- got often the shortest end of the stick, conforming to a life as a housewife renouncing to any dreams or aspirations her younger self may have had.

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Wie wird man in der heutigen Zeit ein konformistischer, stiefelleckender, arschkriechender NPC?: Ein kompletter Guide für die Unerschrockenen

Es gab ein glorreiches Zeitalter für den perfekten Sohn oder die perfekte Tochter, die ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft kannten. Der Sohn sollte einen Anzug tragen, einen langweiligen Job annehmen und sich in eine freudlose, lebenslange Beziehung verheiraten. Die Tochter hingegen zog oft den Kürzeren, indem sie sich einem Leben als Hausfrau anpasste und auf alle Träume und Bestrebungen verzichtete, die ihr jüngeres Ich vielleicht gehabt hatte.

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La Paisana Jacinta: Cancelar o ¿no?

¿Se debería cancelar a la paisana Jacinta? La odies o no, todos nos hemos matado de risa con el célebre personaje creado por Jorge Benavides, que sería algo así como la versión peruana grosera y vulgar de la mexicana “India María”. La eterna amante del Wasaberto ha sido la reina de la comedia en las pantallas chicas de los peruanos durante buena parte de la década de los 2000.

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‘Killers of the Flower Moon’: Too long for a too short story

Three friends sitting in front of the giant screen of a dying cinema house in Mainz, Germany. Two of us (me included) had not watched the film before and the third one is a Scorsese fan, although the word fan could be an understatement, because he is more of a monk, who preaches to eternity quotes from Goodfellas, Casino and Taxi Driver. This blend of two thirds indifference and one third fanaticism sat through the entire three hours and forty minutes of film. Here is a review.

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Cultural Appropriation and the Voices of the Unheard

Should a German woman be allowed to have a phrase in an indigenous language tattooed on her arm?

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