Being in love? – Joke’s on me.

To like a girl…
… I hate my own human feebleness regarding such passionate feeling. Gosh, I detest being a sucker for someone. It is unfairness at its purest. You can attribute any sort of divine characteristic to your desired maiden; but at the end (specially when you’re 25) you realize the cynicism behind it. This woman is just the enhanced delusion of her own virtues. Your mind fools you into it and you know it.

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Curiosidades de ciertos idiomas europeos

No puedes imaginarte o tener una idea de como funciona el procesamiento de información de tu mente si jamás has aprendido otro idioma.

Imaginaos que solo hayáis usado Windows durante diez o veinte años y un día se os presentase la oportunidad de usar Apple o Linux.

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